Beginning Band
Students with little to no instrumental music experience choose a school instrument to study and learn for the school year in a performance ensemble setting. Students will work in instrument sections and as a whole in order to learn the fundamentals of reading and playing music. Beginning band will perform in one concert this winter, (12/9?), and two concerts this spring, in March and again in May. Students enrolled in beginning band have the option to join Marching Band for co-curricular credit.
Advanced Band
Students who pass beginning band may participate in the advanced band at the discretion of the band director. Students with comparable experience may be admitted on a case by case basis. Students will learn music with intermediate/advanced rhythmic and melodic skills, and will develop deeper artistry in the process of preparing music for performance. Advanced band members are expected to participate in the marching band for co-curricular credit.
Jazz Band
Students who pass beginning band may participate in the advanced band at the discretion of the band director. Students with comparable experience may be admitted on a case by case basis. Students will learn music with intermediate/advanced rhythmic and melodic skills, and will develop deeper artistry in the process of preparing music for performance. Advanced band members are expected to participate in the marching band for co-curricular credit.
The Pageantry class is for the Crystal Middle School Cougar Color Guard, who perform with the Marching Band in parades in the fall and spring. Color guard members learn choreographed dance routines with flag, rifle, sabre, and letter/shields in synchronization to music both in parade performances/competitions, and in winter guard performances from January-April. Students will learn basics from a breadth of dance styles, including modern, jazz, ballet, and hip-hop. Pageantry students are expected to participate in the Marching Band for co-curricular credit.
Marching Band
Marching Band meets after school on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:45pm (beginning 9/23) and will consist of members of the Pageantry, Advanced, and Jazz Band Class, as well as beginners that are accepted at the director’s discretion. Marching band is co-curricular and affects the grade of the students’ primary band class.
Drumline will meet once a week in fall (time TBD), after marching band rehearsal in the fall and spring. During the winter season, Drumline will meet twice a week after school for two hours (times TBD). Audition required.
Pep Band
The pep band will consist of a select few proficient members who are able to learn pop charts quickly and perform at some home basketball games and community events. Audition required.