Principal, After School Programs
Send Email | (707) 399-5054
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P)
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through eighth-grade students.
“Expanded learning” means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences.
The registration window is now open.
Expanded Learning for High School
FSUSD is excited to extend Expanded Learning to ALL of our High School Students.
Royal Center is available at Armijo High School and Sem Yeto Satellite.
Falcon Center is available at Fairfield High School and Sem Yeto High School
Mustang Center is available at Rodriguez High School
All centers include Tutoring, Enrichment, Place to do Homework, and a Safe Place to Be.
Local educational agencies must operate the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program pursuant to the requirements in California Education Code Section 46120, including the development of a program plan. The program plan needs to be approved by the Local Educational Agency's (LEA) Governing Board in a public meeting and posted on the LEA's website.
Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District's (FSUSD) Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Plan was first reviewed and approved by the Governing Board at the June 2, 2022 meeting. The ELO-P Plan was updated, reviewed, and approved by the Governing Board on May 16, 2024. The FSUSD Program Plan can be found below:
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Guide
Guía para el Plan del Programa de Oportunidades de Aprendizaje Ampliado
Did You Know?
ELOP is required by AB130
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program is required by California Education Code Section 46120. It states that LEAs must provide access to 50% of unduplicated pupils in grades TK-6th access to expanded learning opportunity programs.
Students in TK-6th grade must have access to no less than 9 hours of combined instructional time and expanded learning opportunities daily. Including at least 30 non-school days.
Who does the Expanded Learning Opportunity Program Serve?
Serves unduplicated pupils, who are defined as foster youth, students receiving free or reduced priced meals and English Learners.
What will the program do?
Welcome children of diverse backgrounds and abilities.
Create structured environments for a combination of learning, enrichment, and play to extend current instructional day.
Focus on social-emotional growth and development of students
Collaborate with school sites to focus on their student's needs.
Who are our service providers?
Right at School
City of Suisun
If you are interested in your student participating in the Expanded Learning Opportunity Program, please contact English Learners & Instructional Support at (707) 399-5023 or
Meet our Team

Daniel Garcia

Jasmine Rankin
After School Program Manager - Elementary
Send Email | (707) 400-5422

Valerie Bailey
After School Program Manager
Fairfield High and Sem Yeto High School
Send Email | (707) 430-5894

Mikeyan Murray
After School Program Manager - Elementary
Send Email | (707) 400-5857

Astrid Sanchez
After School Program Manager
Armijo and Sem Yeto @ Armijo
Send Email | (707) 339-4298

Wendy Castillo Vallejo
After School Program Manager
Rodriguez High School
Send Email | (707) 416-2435