
The primary goal of the FITNESSGRAM is to assess the physical fitness of students.

The PFT is a battery of comprehensive, health-related, physical fitness tests.
The information from this test can be to decide how effective our physical fitness curriculum is and what changes might be beneficial.
The test is given to students in California is the FITNESSGRAM developed by the Cooper Institute.

The PFT is given to all students enrolled in a California public school in grades five, seven, and nine.
Students with disabilities should be given as much of the test as each student's physical condition permits.

The PFT can be spread out over multiple days, but it may be administered all at one time.
Students will take at least one test option for each of the fitness areas in the PFT.
A student will get a score in the Healthy Fitness Zone or in the Needs Improvement area.
The goal is to be in the Healthy Fitness Zone. This means the student can reach a level of activity to be protected against diseases caused by inactivity.