Eligibility Process

If you are interested in our FREE State Preschool Program, you may start the eligibility process. In order to be placed on our Eligibility Waitlist

STEP 1 - Please provide the following: mb-prekenrollment@fsusd.org

STEP 2 - After families are placed on the Eligibility Waitlist, we may schedule an appointment to offer placement in our State Preschool Program as space is available.


  • We will reach out if your family does not meet the income guidelines

  • We will reach out if we need further documentation

  • We will reach out when we need to schedule an appointment(STEP 2)

  • Families are NOT ranked First-Come-First-Serve

  • Families are prioritized based on income, with 4-year-olds with the lowest income having the highest priority, followed by 3-year-olds with the lowest income.



Proceso de Elegibilidad

Si todavia esta interesado en nuestro programa Preescolar Estatal gratuito, puede comenzar el proceso de eligibilidad. Para Colocar a su familia en nuesttra lista de espera de eligibilidad, envie lo siguiente al correo electronico

PASO 1 - Nuestro correo electrónico : mb-prekenrollment@fsusd.org

PASO 2  - Despues de colocar a las familias en la lista de espera de eligibilidad, podemos programar una cita para ofrecer la colocacion en nuestro programa preescolar estatal segun haya espacio disponible.

AVISO: Nosotros llegaremos si

  • Nos comunicaremos si su familia no cumple con las pautas de ingresos

  • Nos comunicaremos si necesitamos más documentación 

  • Nos comunicaremos cuando necesitemos programar una cita (Paso 2)

  • Las familias NO están clasificadas por orden de llegada. 

  • Se prioriza a las familias en función de sus ingresos : los niños de 4 años con ingresos más bajos tienen la mayor prioridad, seguidos por los niños de 3 años con ingresos más bajos.  


Spanish 23-2 flyer


Students needing mental health-related services may reach out to their site administrator, school counselor, or school psychologist. To access community-based mental health services, students with Medi-cal or Medicare insurance or uninsured mental health services can be requested through the Solano County Mental Health Access Line at 1(800)547-0495. To identify other community-based mental health providers please visit solanocares.org. Students and families may also contact their insurance network providers to request mental health services.



If you or your family member is experiencing an acute mental health emergency call 911, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Solano County Mental Health Crisis Stabilization Unit at 1(707)428-1131. To access 24/7 suicide prevention support, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1(800)273-8255 or 1(888)628-9454 for the Spanish line, or to access the 24/7 Crisis Text Line, text HOME to 741741. LGBTQ youth can access crisis support through the 24/7 Trevor Lifeline at 1(866)488-7386 or Trevor Text Line text START to 678678 Mon-Friday 12 pm-7 pm.