Air Quality Measures
FSUSD schools follow specific guidelines when air quality changes. Staff members at each school check the "Current Conditions" section of the Air Now website and then use the following guide to determine activities. The website is checked multiple times per day if there is reason to believe that air quality is changing rapidly.

School is in Green/Yellow zone - Outdoor activities are conducted normally.

School is in Orange zone - Outdoor activities can happen, but should be limited. Staff keep a close eye on students who have air quality sensitivities and provide them with alternative, inside activities. School may have lunch outside, but PE should be conducted inside.

School is in Red zone - School may conduct activities, athletics, lunch, recess, and after school practices inside only.

School is in the Purple/Maroon zone - Students remain indoors at all times, except when absolutely necessary. After school sports will be cancelled and PE classes will be held indoors. Absences for students with health conditions or concerns will be considered excused. Schools may close.
While there might be other websites that show the AQI, schools use the Air Now website in accordance with the Solano County Public Health Department’s guidelines.