David Weir Kids hold flags

Fairfield, CA - On Friday, September 6, 2024, David Weir Preparatory Academy held its highly anticipated NEU (No Excuses University) College Rally, where students and staff proudly showcased their adopted class college spirit. The event, which brought together all Kindergarten through 8th-grade students, was a vibrant display of school unity and dedication to fostering a college-going culture.

Since the first day of school, students and teachers have been practicing their college chants and songs, and this rally gave them the opportunity to demonstrate their progress. Classrooms represented various universities, and the excitement in the air was palpable as they cheered each other on. The event also served as an introduction for all staff, ensuring students could easily identify and connect with their college-aligned teachers.

"We are pleased that all of the David Weir staff and scholars are connected to and engaged in promoting a college-going culture in each of our classes," said Alison Guernsey, Principal of David Weir Preparatory Academy. "Exposing our students to a number of colleges during their academic career here shows them that obtaining a college diploma is attainable!"

The rally was a fun and interactive way to inspire students about their future educational paths, encouraging them to dream big while providing them with the tools and motivation to succeed.