about us
K.I. Jones Elementary School
"K. I. Jones Elementary School is a traditional track school with a student enrollment in grades TK - 5 of approximately 735. The school houses the FSUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Magnet Program, a special education county program in grades kindergarten through 5th, and a Transition Academic Program (TAP) for autistic children. The student population is approximately 37% White, 20% Hispanic, 17% african American, 9% Filipino, 6% Asian and 3% other. Thirty-six percent of the students participate in the free and/or reduced breakfast and lunch program. Approximately 32% of K. I. Jones' students are classified as economically disadvantaged. Students in grades TK-5 use the Benchmark Language Arts program and the district adopted Everyday Math series. Science and social studies are taught using state approved, Board adopted programs. The K. I. Jones general education teachers and GATE teachers provide additional support and enrichment to students in reading and language development as needed. In addition, the GATE Magnet Program provides challenging curriculum that is compacted and differentiated for students who are capable of achieving at a level significantly beyond that of the chronological peers. All special education students receive individualized instruction and mainstream with their general education peers as much as they are able. We work collaboratively with parents and the community, using data to drive our decisions in a supportive environment that fosters excellence in learning."

K.I. Jones Elementary School
"K. I. Jones Elementary School is a traditional track school with a student enrollment in grades TK - 5 of approximately 735. The school houses the FSUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Magnet Program, a special education county program in grades kindergarten through 5th, and a Transition Academic Program (TAP) for autistic children. The student population is approximately 37% White, 20% Hispanic, 17% african American, 9% Filipino, 6% Asian and 3% other. Thirty-six percent of the students participate in the free and/or reduced breakfast and lunch program. Approximately 32% of K. I. Jones' students are classified as economically disadvantaged. Students in grades TK-5 use the Benchmark Language Arts program and the district adopted Everyday Math series. Science and social studies are taught using state approved, Board adopted programs. The K. I. Jones general education teachers and GATE teachers provide additional support and enrichment to students in reading and language development as needed. In addition, the GATE Magnet Program provides challenging curriculum that is compacted and differentiated for students who are capable of achieving at a level significantly beyond that of the chronological peers. All special education students receive individualized instruction and mainstream with their general education peers as much as they are able. We work collaboratively with parents and the community, using data to drive our decisions in a supportive environment that fosters excellence in learning."