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Andrew Corwin
Mental Health Clinician
Special Education
Christal Perez
H-N, Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
(707) 399-5120
Nory Zaldivar
Staff Accountant
Fiscal Services
Julius Famor
Computer Network Technician I
Technology Support Services
Mariely Pina
Benefits Technician I
(707) 419-3766
Constance Huntington
Coordinator of Ed Services
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
Aaron Harrison
Work Control Technician
Technology Support Services
Kim Morgan
Director, Accounting
Accounts Payable
Steve Sitjar
District Accountant
Accounts Payable
Oliver Arrazola-Todd
H-N Account Clerk & Employee Reimbursements
Accounts Payable
(707) 399-5098
Stephanie Villagomez
A-G Account Clerk
Accounts Payable
(707) 399-5130
Oceanna Banks
Benefits Technician II
(707) 399-5095
Meghan Baker
Cheb - Gomez - Payroll Technician
(707) 366-0877
Laneia Grindle
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Business Services
(707) 399-5123
Melanie Salazar-Lima
Administrative Assistant
Business Services
(707) 399-5015
Dan Mitchell
Director, Child Nutrition
Child Nutrition Services
Vacant Position
Child Nutrition Manager
Child Nutrition Services
(707) 399-5046
Monica Gonzalez Ibarra
Assistant Director of Child Nutrition
Child Nutrition Services
(707) 339-4319
Amanda Sestak
Staff Accountant
Child Nutrition Services
(707) 399-5043
Chris Lovett
Secretary III
Child Nutrition Services
(707) 399-5011