Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Elyata Geeter
General Ed Home Hospital Teacher
Student Services
Amanda Gemignani
Independent Study
Secondary Education
Crystal Gomez
Independent Study
Secondary Education
Tori Jarnagin
Independent Study
Secondary Education
Ashley Steckel
Independent Study
Secondary Education
Kris Corey
Superintendent's Office
Martha Pierce
Executive Assistant to Superintendent
Superintendent's Office
Monika Garay
Executive Assistant
Superintendent's Office
(707) 399-5123
Chris Clark
Director of Technical Services
Technology Support Services
Deborah Esquivel
Secretary III
Technology Support Services
Blake DiModica
Assistant Director of Technology Support
Technology Support Services
Francis Urmaza
Technology Support Manager
Technology Support Services
Ralph White
Technology Support Manager
Technology Support Services
Ruben Ramirez
Technology Support Manager
Technology Support Services
Christopher Albans
Data Analyst / Programmer
Technology Support Services
Steve Lamb
Network Administrator
Technology Support Services
Roger Sauer
Data Analyst/Programmer
Kien Nguyen
System Analyst
Technology Support Services
Jason Zheng
Senior Database Administrator
Matt Chesser
Help Desk Technician
Technology Support Services