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Katie Lee
Coordinator, Educational Services/Special Projects
Educational Services
Tina Ahn
Senior Director, Elementary Ed
Elementary Education
Ann Marie Neubert
Assistant Director, Elementary Ed
Elementary Education
Kristin Seguin
Secretary III
Elementary Education
(707) 399-5041
James Hightower
Intinerant Administrator
Educational Services
Ivette Guzman
Secretary II
English Learners & Instructional Support
(707) 399-5023
Roselie Boldt
Coordinator, Educational Services
Educational Services
Shawn Aguigui
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education
Jamie Cairns
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education
Ryenn Bonnett
Coordinator, Educational Services
Educational Services
Casey Casas
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education
Cynthia Chancellor
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education
Brandon Craig
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education
Vincent Derkacht
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education
Jeff Drake
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education
Beth Ellis
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education
George Garcia
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education
Vance Hafner
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education
Margaret Haltom
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education
Shari Hendrix
Elementary Prep
Elementary Education